Thursday, October 30, 2008

Election Marathon Nears Finish Line - Who's Tired?

I can now officially count down the days on one hand until we have a new president-elect. I have my thoughts on who will win, but when this is all said and done, what will we all do next? It seems that we have a perpetual election day IV stuck in our arm and its been pumping toxins for two years. McCain and Obama have been campaigning for two years, which is half of the total time they will spend in office. This is starting to feel like a bunch of Christmas mornings rolled into one with the post-election detox being the ultimate let down.

I give people a lot of credit for becoming motivated and inspired to get so involved in politics this year. Their passion is without question. However, at the end of the day, regardless of who is elected, there will not be overnight change or very little change a year from now. I'm not trying to be a cynicist, but a realist. We live in a world of instant gratification and there is no way that our financial, educational and health care problems will be solved by electing one new person. What Obama symbolizes (in victory or defeat) is that politics will never again be the same.

I watched his $5 million infomercial last night and you can't help but get a few chills. Not because I have faith in his policies, but because he's done something totally new. He has mobilized an enormous sector of Americans. If you look at McCain vs. Obama, they are the epitome of new verses old. McCain is accustomed to politics the old way and hasn't wavered from that. Obama has turned politics on its ear and given those who have given up on the system that helps them and hurts them a little bit of hope.

I hope that when the dust settles, the votes are counted and the world moves on from this marathon of an election that that hope and passion doesn't burn out. We are at a true crossroads. I hope our will is strong enough to carry us.

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